Shared Hosting
Fast, secure, and affordable hosting plans for any budget
€2.50 /month
Domain nameUnlimited websitesUnmetered SSDUnlimited mailboxesAutoBackupWebsite BuildercPanelFull
€4.20 /month
Domain nameUnlimited websitesUnlimited mailboxesAutoBackup & Cloud StorageWebsite BuildercPanel
Make more online with your hosting, pay less and get Unmetered bandwidth.Unmetered bandwidth.|Free website builder.|Unlimited mailboxes.
Get the most from AI when building your website
Create a website just right for your needs
Take full control of your design with a little help from tools like an AI text generator and AI image maker.
Save more time with automation
Take the smarter option with an AI website creator, so you can make the important decisions and avoid the time-consuming tasks.
No special skills needed
Dedicated AI tools for site creation give the help your project needs, so you can build your own personalized site without any technical expertise.